Libya - and other issues of the good for the all

In many ways, with varied interest, persons from around the world have been watching the global situations most urgently recently in Egypt - and now Libya - and along the way developments in Bahrain, Sudan and elsewhere.

In today's news, the Christian Science Monitor is reporting that Colonel Qaddafi is planning to stay in Libya - noting:

“Plan A is to live and die in Libya. Plan B is to live and die in Libya. Plan C is to live and die in Libya,” said Colonel Qaddafi’s son Saif Islam in a TV interview yesterday. Qaddafi himself, who made an appearance before cheering crowds at Tripoli's Green Square today, said on state TV that he was willing to open up his weapons caches to anyone who wants to fight on his side, and said he would set the country “aflame.”

It is a sad state of affairs when persons (or institutions) in power, in order to maintain their discredited power - turn to violence as the path for resolving their loss of power.

Today I hope for the people of Libya and the persons of the world a "Plan D" that does not include weapons, fighting, nor anyone or anything set "aflame."

Toward eupan.

~ marty alan michelson, ph.d.

Posted via email from Eupan Global Initiative


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