1400 years of peace work in Iraq

The article itself is not outstanding - a relatively mundane report on an Iraqi peace convention.  Except that it is an urgent reminder, that in all nations, in all places - and perhaps for hundreds of years in many places - there are people who have been working for peace.

The article ends with this paragraph:

The afternoon closes with a rousing, refreshing set of local musicians. A young engineer — who does research on his spare time on the history of nonviolence in Basra going back 1,400 years — brings his four-year-old son Taim, who shyly said hello in English, and then watches the crowd dance to the music and song of his hometown, as it seeks to reclaim its long tradition of nonviolence. Its expression of hospitality certainly suggests it has not lost touch with that tradition.

Who knew!?!

Full article link - which directs to the great work of Fellowship of Reconciliation.

Toward eupan ~

~ marty alan michelson, ph.d.


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