Peace is Possible

Several years ago we started the Eupan Global Initiative  as our  effort, emerging from Oklahoma City, to extend conversation & action toward peacemaking in our world.

Alone, our work makes only a small dent in the world situation.

And yet, we are not alone!!  And our combined work with others is changing the world!

Over the years we have shared numerous ways that persons can be engaged in making the world better - through action, advocacy, & various forms of lifestyle.  Over the years we have partnered with others, and we'll continue to do so, in order to shape our world for the good extended to all - toward eupan!  [eu is the Greek root for "good" and pan is the Greek word for "all" - eupan is about "the good for all!"]

Together with others we are shaping our world to become better.

At the start of a New Year - I believe more than ever that the world can be a better place.  More than ever I believe sustainable living that extends possibilities for others is attainable.  More than any other time in my life, I am convinced that life on earth for many, can be made better.

I re-read this post from Psychology Today (Feb. 2010) - and share it with you for your reading.  It is entitled, "World Peace is Possible." It includes an apt subtitle:  "Just because something is hard doesn't mean it's impossible."  Here's a single paragraph from the hope-filled article.
The only real lever we have to pull with such people is their desire to become happy. We must convince them to follow our lead by becoming so happy ourselves—so ridiculously, genuinely happy—that they decide on their own they want to be like us, that they want what we have. And then we have to show them how to get it. Good ideas are our weapons. When people come to deeply believe in notions that promote peace, peace will follow like a shadow follows the body.
Toward eupan ~

~ marty alan michelson, ph.d.


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