Starting small . . . .

I was sharing with a new student the "vision" behind the Eupan Global Initiative. Admittedly, like most agencies, consortiums, or groups, we have started small. We may never grow into anything "big."

I talked to the student about two (of several) websites I frequent often.

Those websites are associated with Sojourners and the Israel-Palestine Center for Research and Information.

Sojourners developed from student conversations in the early 1970s and IPCRI emerged with the late 1980s Intifada. Both are now "large" "agencies" that advocate in significant ways.

Will the Eupan Global Initiative ever grow "as big" as Sojourners or IPCRI?

Well, quite frankly, I have no idea. But, I don't really care. If we can effect "good" for even a few - and inspire "good" for all - we will have done something.

Ghandi once said: “We are constantly being astonished at the amazing discoveries in the field of violence. But I maintain that far more undreamt of and seemingly impossible discoveries will be made in the field of nonviolence.”

My hope is that Eupan will inspire our dreams in the field of nonviolence.

~ marty alan michelson, ph.d.


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