*Immediate Opportunity* - Guest Speaker

I had the wonderful opportunity to meet recently with the leadership of STAND (Student Anti-Genocide Coalition) on the Campus of OU (Oklahoma University.)

If you can be free in less than two weeks - February 23rd - I am certain there will be much you can learn about Burma and the social, political, personal, *human* conflict that has been happening there - and how it connects with issues of genocide.

Tom Van Dyke works with Heroes Serving Humanity and, I trust, will be a great resource for expanding your world view and considering new ways that you might work toward advancing the good for people living in Burma.

I am not an expert on OU campus dynamics - but if I can access or provide you with more information than what is available here - I certainly will do that!

Toward eupan!

~ marty alan michelson, ph.d.


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