John W. Burton on Violence and Peace


John W. Burton, an early thinker in peace and conflict studies and the author of Conflict Resolution (among many texts) and a professor at the Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution at George Mason University in Virginia and a fellow at the United States Institute for Peace, created a neologism – provention.

It is a combination of engaging prevention of violence while also promoting peace. 

Burton has written:

conflict provention means deducing from an adequate explanation of the phenomenon of conflict, including its human dimensions, not merely the conditions that create an environment of conflict, and the structural changes required to remove it, but more importantly, the promotion of conditions that create cooperative relationships.

May we be the kind of people who work for provention – the prevention of violence – and the promotion of peace.

Toward eupan.

~ marty alan michelson, ph.d.

Posted via email from Eupan Global Initiative


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