Can a Virus Push us to become Better?
The impact of SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 are intriguing at many levels.
It will be interesting to discern the future impact of this pandemic.
It has reshaped the world.
A few intriguing studies in the news today include:
We can be better.
We need more social advocacy and shared commitment to one another - to the health and wholeness of all persons.
Toward eupan ~
~ marty alan michelson, ph.d.
It will be interesting to discern the future impact of this pandemic.
It has reshaped the world.
A few intriguing studies in the news today include:
Some personality types are less likely to cohere to social distancing/social care. Individuals can negatively impact the future of societies.
Fossil Fuels may never recover from the impacts. (Personally, I think fossil fuels will persist for many decades, simply based on the number of "end-user" needs in the forms of current vehicles on the road.)
A single nation, acting with social/government intentional impact, while impacted by SARS-CoV-2 has demonstrated they can "conquer" it. Good Job New Zealand.
And, it's evident that when people acted with some intention in shut-downs and social-distancing - lives were spared from COVID-19. Social care and social action can make the world safer, better.
Fossil Fuels may never recover from the impacts. (Personally, I think fossil fuels will persist for many decades, simply based on the number of "end-user" needs in the forms of current vehicles on the road.)
A single nation, acting with social/government intentional impact, while impacted by SARS-CoV-2 has demonstrated they can "conquer" it. Good Job New Zealand.
And, it's evident that when people acted with some intention in shut-downs and social-distancing - lives were spared from COVID-19. Social care and social action can make the world safer, better.
We can be better.
We need more social advocacy and shared commitment to one another - to the health and wholeness of all persons.
Toward eupan ~
~ marty alan michelson, ph.d.
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